GUEST POST-" Great Low Light Indoor Houseplants!" by Shem Ruszczyk,

Suggestions for Low Light Houseplants

January 21, 2015 in HorticultureGardening

Do you want to feel better overall and spend your time in more pleasant surroundings? Bring the outdoors to you!  Adding office plants and indoor plants will enhance your dimly lit areas with vibrant colors, which will help break through the bleakness of the winter. Low light indoor plants will liven up your cubicles and brighten those dark hallways in your home.

Those drab and somber areas could especially use the warmth that houseplants provide. I believe just by adding a small air plant to a cubicle or a dimly lit area in your home you can enhance your well-being. The following article will give you ideas for low light plants you can plant in containers in your home or office. These are plants which will thrive without natural sunlight, they require minimal maintenance, and are usually considered as non-flowering foliage plants.

Here are some of my favorite species:

ZEEZEE PLANT (Zamioculcus zamiifolia)

The "ZZ" plant is one of the more hardy low light plants and will adapt to nearly any light condition. Adopt a minimal maintenance strategy for best results. The more neglect the better with this plant. Since the thick and fleshy stalks of the ZeeZee plant are excellent at storing water, ensure the soil is dry before watering.

FLAMING KATY (Kalanchoe)

Flaming Katy is a succulent that blooms in a cluster of pink, red, orange and yellow flowers that will last for several weeks. Be aware of the moisture of the soil. Slightly moist soil is ideal, but be careful of over watering to prevent root rot. For a more comprehensive care strategy, visit this website dedicated to house plants.

PEACE LILY (Spathiphyllum sp.)

Another rare low light flowering plant, the Peace Lily offers more than a pretty flower. It also filters the room by getting rid of pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde. Help the Peace lily perform its best by leaving the soil moist and watering before you notice the soil becoming dry.

SNAKE PLANT (Sansevieria trifasciata)

While lacking the flower of the Peace Lily, the Snake plant also has excellent beneficial properties in an indoor setting. Commonly known as the Mother-In-Law's Tongue, this plant converts cO2 into oxygen, making it a perfect fit for a bedroom or a crowed office. For more information on this plant, watch this YouTube Video.


Similar to the Snake plant, various species of Dracaena make perfect indoor plants. This plant can reach sizes of 6ft in ideal conditions, but will also do well in a dim climate. Remember not to over water this plant as well. Instead, let it show you when it is thirsty.

 PHILODENDRON (sp. hederaceum oxycardium)

This variety looks its part on a taller shelf where the trailing heart-shaped leaves are able to fall down from the bookshelf or from a hanging basket. To look for other species of Philodendrons, visit The Garden Helper.

CAST-IRON PLANT (Aspidistra elatior)

As the name suggests, the Cast-Iron plant is one of the more hardy indoor plants. The more light the plant receives, the more variegation will you see on the dark green leaves. There are many other varieties of Aspidistra, see them all here.

AFRICAN VIOLET (Saintpaulia)

Although this plant can tolerate less light, a brighter indoor area will be much more suitable for this genus. The most popular species, ionantha, has purple flowers which can bloom throughout the year based on how much sunlight the plant is exposed to. African Violets are a bit harder to maintain than the other plants, but they will reward you with beautiful blooms. Learn more about this houseplant here.

ORCHIDS (Ludisia discolor)

With over 30,000 species, there are plenty of beautiful choices for every situation. I suggest the Jewel Orchid for the low light conditions we have been discussing. Perhaps the best tip for orchids would be to grow them in more humid environments. For more care tips, visit the Garden Guides website and if you need more fertilizer for your orchids, follow this link: Click Here!


Air plants are certainly a unique group of houseplants. Air plants do not require soil to grow, only moderate light and a weekly soaking. They are perfect plants for terrariums and can add a modern decor to your home. to browse their selection of air plants.

Perhaps you’re not interested in typical houseplants? Terrariums are a great alternative! This post is all aboutbuilding your own terrarium.

Another intriguing indoor plant is the bonsai tree. Check out this extensive tutorial which will teach you growing methods and ways to maintain your bonsai tree. Click Here!

I hope this article will provide the information you need to decide on the type of houseplant for your home and office. There are many other choices out there so the best thing to do is visit your local nursery and see these plants in person. Thank you for reading!

-Shem R.

See more and follow me on INSTAGRAM!

About the Author:

Shem Ruszczyk is the founder and author Paplantguide is your nature resource. Whether you want to learn about plants, pick up some gardening tips, or just check out nature photos, this site is designed for the nature lover in all of us.:

Shem is from the Lancaster, Pa area and more information on his business can be found here: