Since utilizing 3-D imaging design software is part of my business model, I can't tout the benefits enough. There are many advantages to me as a business owner, in using this technology to further my design skills. The benefit to the customer, however, is so advantageous that I want to highlight it in this post. Le's take a look at the benefits of using a company that utilizes 3-D design technology for YOUR project
1. The design process is made much easier, versus traditional design.
In the past, I was only able to present to the customer a two-dimensional plan, plant and material pictures, and hope that the medium was able to convey my design intent. Now, using this technology, I can clearly illustrate to the customer the design elements, materials, etc. in a format that is interactive and visual. Here is a 3-D video presentation I prepared for a customer:
2. Complications and challenges to the project can be seen and addressed.
I am also now able to visually show the customer any challenges to the project, and we can discuss solutions before the construction begins.
3. Changes can be made more quickly and easily.
Now, changes can be done very quickly once the customer can see the design. In the past, some clients could not visualize the project elements until the construction began. This risk is very costly anytime production needs to stop due to the inability for the customer to truly see the project details beforehand.
5. The proof is in the pudding- SEE the projects BEFORE and AFTER: My customers are amazed at the accuracy of the way their project looks after the construction is complete, versus the 3-D images created during the design. Take a look at a few past projects 'Before' and 'After':
BEFORE- During 3-D Design Phase
BEFORE- During 3-D Design Phase
BEFORE- During 3-D Design Phase
BEFORE- During 3-D Design Phase
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About the Author:
Lori Hawkins, RLA, ASLA has been a registered landscape architect and active in the landscape design/build industry for over 30 years. Her service area includes Greensboro, High Point, Oak Ridge, Winston-Salem, Chapel Hill and the Raleigh NC metro areas. For additional inspiring project pictures, design ideas, or great garden gifts, take a look at these websites: